Established in 2017, we “Pranam Ji Engineering Works” are the leading Manufacturer, Exporter of Milk Pasteurizer, Milk Supply Tank, Milk Plants, Mini Dairy Plant, Paneer Press Machine and many more. Our company has earned the trust of all its clients and gained a remarkable position in the market for excellent manufacturing of these products and this has also helped us in maintaining a long-term relationship with our clients. Apart from this, we have quality testing units to check and maintain the quality of our products. Having spent so much time in this domain we procure raw materials from the most reliable and authentic vendors of the market because we believe in quality as a major area of focus. Under the adept leadership of Mr. Vineet Sharma, we have achieved a reputed position in the market. Under his guidance, we have been able to meet client expectations. His managerial and marketing skills have helped the company to attain the reputed position in the market and gather huge client base.